Moog Announces New Synth via Building Your World, Animated Short Scored by Flying Lotus

Moog Announces New Synth via Building Your World, Animated Short Scored by Flying Lotus

On Thursday, Moog Music released a short animated film in collaboration with graphic designer Julian House and producer Flying Lotus to announce their new synth Subsequent 25. The short film, which was scored by Flying Lotus using the new synth, is meant to allow the viewer to “slip into the mysterious and magical sci-fi world of analog circuits and waveforms,” per a press release. The film shows off the Subsequent 25’s versatile production capability, marking it as an obvious choice for Moog Music’s new standard production model moving forward.

The film is meant as a sort of spiritual successor to Moog Music’s 2013 film New Machine for Living, which was also scored by Flying Lotus. New Machine for Living was developed for the release of the Sub Phatty synth’s release. Subsequent 25 is, in many ways, an improved version of the Sub Phatty, featuring a re-tuned Multidrive circuit that builds upon the Sub Phatty’s original sound.

Of the synth, Moog Music says that Subsequent 25 was designed with portability in mind, being able to move from stage to studio with ease. Still, the synth is considered a full-size model and will gladly fill any room with booming synth when used. The synth will also include “Duo Mode,” a unique paraphonic functionality that allows for the playing of multiple notes at once. This allows for “ground-shaking” analog sound during unison mode, in which all three oscillators are stacked, or the splitting of oscillators one and two in duo mode, further customizing the range and capability of the small but powerful instrument. At a modest 16 pounds, the Subsequent 25 is assured to be a dynamic and essential asset to any producer’s kit.

You can watch Building Your World below and find out more information about the Subsequent 25 on Moog Music’s website.

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