Thank You Morrissey, You Can Go Now

Shirley Manson of Garbage and others slam Smiths star after controversial comments

Thank You Morrissey, You Can Go Now

Garbage band leader Shirley Manson delivered a literal “Fuck you” to Morrissey today via Twitter—not that Morrissey’s recent remarks in an interview with Germany’s Der Spiegel can be taken lightly or with proper language. In light of recent sexual assault allegations emerging in the film, TV, music and sports worlds (that should have emerged years before now), The Smiths’ star was quoted as responding with the pinnacle of male narcissistic nihilism:

I hate rape, I hate assault, I hate people being forced into a sexual situation … But in quite a few cases, you look at the situation and think that the people being described as victims are simply disappointed. In the whole history of Rock ‘n’ Roll there’ve been musicians who’ve slept with groupies. If you go through the history, almost everyone is guilty of sleeping with minors. Why don’t we throw everyone in jail?

In regards to allegations against Kevin Spacey, specifically, Morrissey calls Spacey’s expulsion from Ridley Scott’s film All the Money in the World “ridiculous.” “You have to ask, where were the boy’s parents. You ask yourself, if the boy didn’t know what could happen. I don’t know what it was like for him but in my youth, I was never in a situation like that. Never,” he said. “It was always clear to me what could happen. If you’re in someone’s bedroom, you have to know where it could lead. That’s why I don’t find the whole thing very believable. It seems to me Spacey has been unnecessarily attacked.”

Morrissey is also “against” the anti-israeli BDS movement, echoing a Trump supporter’s language (although he dubs Trump “vermin”): “Being politically correct is incorrect. It is absurd. It means forbidding the freedom of speech.”

We just listened to Morrissey’s new album Low in High School and it may be low on your to-do list at this point, but you can read our review of the album here. See a few choice reactions to Morrissey’s comments below.

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