N.E.R.D and Future Transform “1000” With New Video
It's the second single from No_One Ever Really Dies
Images via N.E.R.D.
The song “1000” from N.E.R.D and Future feels like an anxious, overstimulated mess until the breakdown. But maybe that’s the point—a sonic exploration of where we are in America: anxious, overstimulated, on the brink of a race war and a nuclear meltdown. Maybe this kind of electronic explosion is what Spotify means by “alternative dance.”
In the newly released music video directed by Todd Tourso and Scott Cudmore, “1000” features scenes from racial protests, taking us to the ocean and back to the street, and zeroing in on the dance moves of Mette Towley, who starred in the “Lemon” video, the last N.E.R.D single from their forthcoming No_One Ever Really Dies, out Dec. 15.
N.E.R.D consists of Pharrell Williams, Chad Hugo and Shay Haley, which is in itself a recipe for overproduction, a meeting of overactive minds that simply have too much to offer. This seems to be less the case in “Lemon,” but we’ll offer “1000” below and let you decide for yourself.
— Pharrell Williams (@Pharrell) November 22, 2017