Neil Young to Reissue Ragged Glory, Adding Previously Unreleased Material

The re-issue will be released through the Neil Young Archives

Neil Young to Reissue Ragged Glory, Adding Previously Unreleased Material

Neil Young is planning a reissue of the 1990 Crazy Horse album Ragged Glory featuring an additional album’s worth of “undiscovered and unheard” songs, according to a post on the Neil Young Archives.

According to the post, the reissue, which will be called Ragged Glory II, came about as a consequence of Ragged Glory engineer John Hanlon finding a cache of tapes from the album’s original sessions, including “38 minutes of Crazy Horse classics, mostly undiscovered and unheard before.” The Neil Young Archives calls the new tracks “equal to anything on the existing record, maybe better,” referring to their exclusion as “a real head-scratcher.”

Though the reissue has no set release date, the Archives state that it will “probably” see a physical and digital release in 2019.

Watch Neil Young and Crazy Horse perform “Change Your Mind” circa 1994 below via footage from the Paste archives.

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