Catching Up With… Neko Case

Paste: The last record has sold really well, obviously, allowing you to buy a farm.
Case: It’s not really the record sales. It’s the touring and the fact that the farm was cheap.

Paste: Have the last couple years been a really big life changing time for you?
Case: Not really because I’m always on tour or always in the studio and its been that way since ’98 or ’99 so that’s pretty common. I work more than I ever had which I didn’t think was even possible. And it’s just that there are more people at the shows which is a really great thing, and I can do more things as far as charity events and stuff like that. But it’s all pretty much the same, and its been a slow, gradual increase. So it’s not something that I notice a lot, although I know it has happened. I can pay my mortgage, thank goodness, but I also don’t have any kids so I’m sure that makes it a lot easier for me.

Paste: So are you going to be able to spend much time at home with the new record coming out this year?
Case: I’m sure I’ll be there pretty much zero. I think we’re going to be on tour for the better part of two years.

Paste: Have you been doing any world traveling lately?
Case: I haven’t been anywhere. I was supposed to go to Australia but I wasn’t able to go because I hadn’t finished my record. I’m a deadline blower! That would be me.

Paste: How long did you take on this record?
CASE: We started it in January, and I’ve been working on it on and off ever since.

Paste: Is that typical for you?
Case: Yeah. I can’t do it all at once because after awhile I can’t hear anymore and I have to take a break.

Paste: Well, we’re excited to have you writing our February cover story.
Case: It’s gonna be fun. I just feel bad because I’m pretty boring. I don’t have any good conflict stories; there is no tabloid angle. I get bummed because I’m not a fan of the rock ‘n’ roll mythology. I like the idea that anybody could do it because they can.

Paste: Any ol’ farm girl.
Case: I’m so excited about the farm, I can’t even tell you. I love the neighbors, I love the towns nearby, the food is incredible. I’m looking forward to walking around the farm everyday. It’s 100 acres, it’s like living in a park. It takes about an hour to walk around the thing. It’s a great hike, and it just feels good and lovely air everywhere and trees and fresh water. I dig it.

Paste: What’s the town like? How many people live there?
Case: It’s not in a town. We’re legally in the town but we are actually rural enough to where were not really. Like legally there’s a town but the nearest town would be Montpelier, that’s like the actual town. It’s just a conglomeration of villages. We are pretty remote, me being me and the dogs. I say we and it makes me sounds like the queen of England, but I apologize for that, I’m not that crazy. I have four large dogs.

Paste: And when you go on tour they don’t go with you…
Case: No, my friend takes care of them, he’s the best. He used to be my boss at Haddy’s Hat in Seattle. They love him. Oh God, they love him. I’m trying to convince him that he wants to move to Vermont. He doesn’t know if he wants to do that, he’s not convinced yet but we’ll see. I’m trying to convince all my friends to move to Vermont.

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