Nyles Lannon: Pressure

Bay Area songwriter releases fascinating, alluring collection of songs
Nyles Lannon sounds like the kind of guy you wouldn’t want to mess with. Forget the rather obvious Elliott Smith comparisons; do away with the ‘folktronica’ labeling and, please, stop fixating on the idyllic Nick Drake posturing in the press photographs: Anyone who is willing to take 11 pop songs as pretty as these and submerge them so far into the ether is either a genius or a sociopath. Pressure gently sucks you straight into Lannon’s universe, his pastoral voice billowing under soft blankets of acoustic guitar and drum machine. In the distance, stoned-sounding choirs of multi-tracked background vocals and analog keyboard swells beckon; you’re getting… sleepy. But listen closely, and watch out. Songs like “Slipping” and “The Well-Groomed Man” are full of enough lyrical daggers and soft punches to slay a dragon, not to mention little ol’ you.