Phantogram Covers Radiohead’s “Weird Fishes/Arpeggi”
Images via Triple J/YouTube
Triple J’s long-running “Like a Version” series is one of the best continuous segments anywhere on radio (not even sure what the competition is, really). Each week, the Australian station gets well-known indie acts such as Dirty Projectors or Divine Fits to cover artists such as Usher and Bruce Springsteen. And though they’re covering someone else’s material, the performances work well to showcase the strengths of the particular artist.
For the first performance of 2017, Triple J had Phantogram on and the electronic-rock duo tackled Radiohead’s beautifully understated “Weird Fishes/Arpeggi.” And the result? One of the better vocal turns we’ve heard from singer Sarah Barthel. In covering the In Rainbows effort, Barthel is given room to hover over the fibrous guitar and pitter-patter of drums. Even in such a hermetically sealed studio, her vocals are haunting and (dare we say) rival Thom Yorke’s on the original track.
Check it out above now, and find Paste Cloud audio from both artists below.