Pussy Riot Release Playful Feminist Video for Timely New Track “Straight Outta Vagina”
Images via YouTube
Who better to respond to Trump’s PussyGate than Pussy Riot?
The Russian punk rockers got into the music biz to make political statements. They have even been jailed for doing so, sparking the outrage of human rights organizations like Amnesty International.
Now they’re delivering a playful, yet forthright feminist message that’s perfect for a time like this, when so many dismiss Trump’s boasts about assaulting women as “locker room talk.” They sing:
Vagina gonna take the stage
Cuz vagina’s got a lot to say
Don’t play stupid
Don’t play dumb
Vagina’s where you’re really from
Fittingly, the music video takes place on a stage. It also features dancing by urinals and the donning of balaclavas in classic Pussy Riot style.
The group shot the video just a few days ago in Los Angeles, though they recorded the track back in February. So yes, the song was prescient, but it’s about more than Trump. Nadya Tolokonnikova told The Guardian, “I believe the idea of powerful female sexuality is much bigger than any populist megalomaniac man … Vagina is bigger than Trump.”
Forget those “Nasty Woman” shirts. I’d get merch that says that.
Watch the video, directed by Phillip Lopez and featuring Desi Mo and Leikeli47, above.