Queens of the Stone Age Tease New Material in Cryptic Video
Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty
Yesterday, rockers Queens of the Stone Age publicized an interactive website that teased their forthcoming new album, and today they’ve added a short one minute and 15 second video that appears to be the beginning of a video for its lead single.
The video plays on an old dial TV that changes “channels” when the user changes the dial. Most are just fuzz, but a couple have content that can only be more clues. One of the “channels” features the words (presumably lyrics), “All my confusion is waving goodbye.” The TV brand is Gold Standard, and the video features voices whispering “gold mine,” both of which would appear to be hints at the lead single’s name.
Play around on the site for yourself here or watch the video above. The new record will be the band’s first in four years after the acclaimed Like Clockwork, released in 2013.