Quilt Share “Roller” Video

Right off the bat you know Quilt is a special band based on the cover of their third album Plaza, out Feb. 26, but streaming now via NPR. The album artwork is an untitled painting by Ken Price, a ceramic artist whose paintings have a Guston-esque abstract quality that makes for a statement.
Quilt’s video for echoey upbeat single “Roller” embraces its strangeness. We could try to make sense of it, but people who claim they understand Finnegans Wake are called liars. Check it out for yourself.
Here’s what lead singer and video star Anna Fox Rochinski said of the song:
”’Roller’ was one of the last songs written for Plaza. I wrote it at my house in upstate N.Y. during the winter, which was long and snowy and often fell below zero degrees. The song itself is very upbeat and poppy but much of its lyrical content is very sad. Feeling stuck, frustrated with a partner or any kind of relationship, or just other people in general. Being a ‘roller’ is a sensation that lies somewhere between claiming strength for yourself but also hiding to protect yourself from the human bullshit of the world. Like, ‘Yo, I got this, let me do my thing’ Haha. Taking time for yourself to recalibrate your life, cruising through your experiences with your head on your shoulders, not being so affected by other people. I wrote the guitar solo in the middle to sound kind of woozy and like a normal guitar solo that had had one too many beers. The “bridge” is at the end of the song, and doesn’t really have a conclusion, but opens it back up… ‘Please, you’ve got me hiding out, and I can’t quite seem to make a noise about it.’”
We wonder if anyone else thinks the song kind of sounds like Palehound’s “Molly.”