Radiohead Fans Discover Secret Computer Message on OKNOTOK Cassette Tape

Radiohead Fans Discover Secret Computer Message on OKNOTOK Cassette Tape

Radiohead fans have discovered a secret computer program that the band hid at the end of the cassette edition of OKNOTOK. The recent OK Computer reissue’s cassette comes with roughly two minutes of computer tones. Some Reddit users discovered that, when fed into a ZX Spectrum, a notably archaic 8-bit computer from 1982, these tones led to some enigmatic code.

The aptly named track, “OK Computer Program,” displays each of the band members’ names (including longtime producer Nigel Godrich) and a message that reads “With all our love.” The message is also dated Dec. 19, 1996, which is during the OK Computer era. The same computer tones can be heard on the fifth track, “Let Down.”

A YouTube user uploaded a video of the message, which you can watch above. We also ranked all of OKNOTOK’s B-sides, which you can see here. Listen to a 1995 Radiohead performance from the Paste Cloud below.

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