Daily Dose: Robin Bacior, “Modern Confusion”

Daily Dose is your daily source for the song you absolutely, positively need to hear every day. Curated by the Paste Music Team.
Portland singer-songwriter Robin Bacior has a enviable facility for language. That’s clear enough within her work as an arts journalist, where she provides thoughtful commentary and warmly-rendered portraits of working musicians. But within the medium of a song, she captures the essence of a moment or a feeling with such grace and clarity, even in the abbreviated form of a three-to-four minute jazz-folk-pop song.
Bacior is about to release a new album Light It Moved Me (out on August 31st through Spirit House Records, the imprint run by equally talented artist Johanna Warren), and she is sharing the first track from this LP “Modern Confusion” with us today. As I hear it, the song speaks to the inner unease that befalls many sensitive souls and the often troublesome ways that they reckon with that. They’re looking for connection but set off static electric shocks whenever they reach out.