Daily Dose: Sinkane, “Everything Is Everything”
Photo by Chloe Morales-Pazant
Daily Dose is your daily source for the song you absolutely, positively need to hear every day. Curated by the Paste Music Team.
‘Tis an awful thing to note that, barring any modern references to hashtags and music that works the same sonic lane as a vintage Headhunters cut or something from What’s Going On, “Everything Is Everything,” the new single from Sudanese-American artist Sinkane could have been written any time in the past three centuries. Just let that opening line, sung by the great Tru Osborne: “We’re here again / ain’t nobody listenin’” In six words, he points once again to the deep societal wound afflicting all Black Americans — and, if we’re being honest with ourselves, all oppressed citizens around the globe. The systemic inequalities and the indifference that so many people of privilege express towards the horrors that that imbalance can result in are baked right into that short lyrical stanza.
But just as the music maintains a slinky bounce, there is plenty of uplift within this track. Sinkane doesn’t let anyone off the hook, but expresses a small sliver of hope: “The tides of change / Serve great purpose in our every day / My people, we will find a way.” And that truly is the core of what he’s singing about and what this song, as a whole, is trying to express. They will lift each other up and, with that support, find joy in community. And it’s at that point in the song when the backup singers rise up to be heard and the rest of the band kicks into a higher gear. ‘Tis a beautiful thing to hear.
Watch the video for “Everything Is Everything” below.