Snoop Dogg Was a Guest on Family Feud

On Sunday, rapper and marijuana expert Snoop Dogg (or the artist formerly known as Snoop Lion) competed against boxing legend “Sugar” Ray Leonard in a game of Celebrity Family Feud.

The game began with the question, “Name something grandma might do if she caught grandpa smoking marijuana,” and Snoop Dogg quickly buzzed in. Unfortunately, his answer, “Put hands on him,” placed fourth on the list of most common answers and Leonard guessed “Scream at him,” which got the second most responses.

In the Fast Money round, Snoop Dogg redeemed himself … until he was asked to fill in the blank for “Pie in the ____.” His answer, for some reason, was horse.

“This is going to be on YouTube because Snoop just said ‘pie in the horse’,” said a spot-on Steve Harvey in the video. “The hell is he talking about?”

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