Watch Millie Bobby Brown Rap a Synopsis of Stranger Things on Fallon

"Let's go back in Indiana circa 1983..."

Watch Millie Bobby Brown Rap a Synopsis of Stranger Things on Fallon

Millie Bobbie Brown doesn’t get to say very much in her role as strangest kid Eleven on Netflix’s Stranger Things, but as we’ve come to learn over the past year, she has a habit of singing and rapping in public. Now, with Season 2 of the sci-fi series available for streaming, she’s back in demand and happy to oblige. On Tuesday night, Brown visited Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show, where she rapped a handy synopsis of the first season of Stranger Things. She also joined Fallon for an interview where she talked about how creepy it is to see grown men dressed as Eleven (dirty dress, blonde wig, bloody nose) for Halloween, among other things.

Watch Brown get down (with Fallon as annoying hype man) here.

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