SZA Dances By Herself in Sensual, Solange-Directed Video for “The Weekend”
Image via RCA
If you haven’t listened to SZA’s CTRL, it’s not too late to do yourself that favor, especially now that she’s been nominated for multiple Grammys and topped our list of the best new artists of 2017. Here’s a good place to start: SZA’s video for “The Weekend” just dropped, and it enlists fellow R&B singer Solange as director.
The video opens and closes with subtitles that read, “one opted out, an imbalance of power, shifted the whole tide, it waved and waved,” sandwiching scenes of SZA sensually dancing by herself in various settings—an apartment balcony, an empty parking garage, some kind of art studio. Her moves alone are evocative, but they’re fortified by stirring lyricism: “You’re like 9 to 5, I’m the weekend / Make him lose his mind every weekend / You take Wednesday, Thursday / Then just send him my way / Think I got it covered for the weekend.”
“The Weekend” earned SZA one of her Grammy nods in the category of Best Performance and was the third single from CTRL. Revisit our review of the album here, and watch the video for “The Weekend” below.