Tenacious D Release First Episode of Six-Part Series Post-Apocalypto

Tenacious D Release First Episode of Six-Part Series Post-Apocalypto

Comedy-rockers Tenacious D have released the first episode of their six-part YouTube series, Post-Apocalypto.

The project is the duo’s first new release in six years, with one episode expected each Friday until the final episode on Nov. 2. The final episode will be paired with Tenacious D’s fourth album, also titled Post-Apocalypto, and doubling as the soundtrack to the series. The album was produced by John Spiker and will be released on Columbia Records.

The series was created entirely by Jack Black and Kyle Gass—with Dave Grohl providing drums on all musical bits—leaving much room for creative license. Each episode is voiced entirely by the duo, with Black following his Beavis and Butthead-influenced illustration style while drawing out each panel shown.

Each episode features new Tenacious D tracks, with the principle track from each week going up on streaming platforms after the episode’s release. Paired with the first episode was the track “Hope,” available now.

The episode follows Black and Gass through finding creative ways to pay rent, surviving the onset of the apocalypse and befriending a two-headed dog named Hope. According to a press release, future episodes will feature Tenacious D saving the world post-apocalypse while on a journey “with unimaginable twists and turns, an insane visit to the White House, a time machine, a space adventure and the help of some tried-and-true daddy issues.”

“I will say, I feel very proud of this one, I think it is our best work in a lot of ways,” said Black in an interview with Rolling Stone. “There was no governor. There was no boss up above telling us what to do. … There was no one else in there, and it feels more personal. It’s more our baby, if you will, than anything we’ve done before.”

Check out the first episode below, as well as the first single from the accompanying album, both titled “Hope.”

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