The Eight Best Choral Performances of Pop Songs that Aren’t from Glee

4. Russian Police – “Get Lucky” (Daft Punk)

The Russian Interior Ministry Choir (AKA the Russian police) got together in uniform and decided to bless the world with this gift: a video of them practicing the American pop hit for a performance at the Moscow Kremlin. And for that, we thank them (especially the guy doing the neck roll at the 1:41 mark).

3. The Vienna Boys Choir – “Nothing Else Matters” (Metallica)

This list would be incomplete without the world renowned Vienna Boys Choir. In 2002— for the first time in their 500-year existence— they covered popular songs on The Vienna Boys Choir Goes Pop album. This particular performance went on to become a favorite both for fans of the choir and Metallica.

2. The Florida State University AcaBelles – Royals (Lorde)

The AcaBelles (clearly the inspiration behind The Bellas in last year’s Pitch Perfect) went viral with this brilliant rendition of Lorde’s hit. In addition to sounding amazing, it helps that they look unbelievably badass in their video.

1. The Brythoniaid Male Voice Choir – “Good Times” (Chic)

Get ready— this video may be the most pimptastic thing you’ve seen all year. The Welsh Brythoniaid Male Voice Choir rolls about 60 men deep and they recorded this for the UK’s Festival No.6. Do they kind of remind you of your grandpa? Maybe. Does that make them any less awesome? Absolutely not.

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