The Polyphonic Spree

Daytrotter Session - Oct 17, 2012

The Polyphonic Spree – Daytrotter Session – Oct 17, 2012
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  1. Welcome to Daytrotter
  2. Bullseye/Light To Follow
  3. Into The Light/I’m Calling
  4. What Would You Do?

The Polyphonic Spree rolls deep. They always have. There is a good reason for doing something like that. You’re never alone, sure, but you’re also never without someone to share in something that could closely resemble the mood that you’re in, no matter what that mood might be. If you’re happy, there’s a clone for that. If you’re sad, count yourself of just one of many on the bus. And if you’re anything in between, take roll call for that and you’re bound to see some hands shoot up as sharing the same affliction. There is probably a broad spectrum of emotions that can be found within the ranks of the ever-changing, but always large group of people that leader Tim DeLaughter surrounds himself with, but the overwhelming feeling seems to still be resounding joyfulness. It’s that feeling that you get when you can’t help yourself, when a smile voluntarily replaces whatever else was there prior. Of course, there’s only one way to know the greatest happiness and that’s when the other has been felt. Polyphonic Spree songs are what come after upsetting moments. It’s what a person’s gonna do with themselves to get a hold of themselves, to snap out of it. It’s a daybreak and a thunderclap. It’s the feeling you get when someone gives you a good hug – I mean, a good solid fucking hug – one that lasts just long enough and only breaks when it should break. It’s the sensation of a whole load of people having that realization that we really are all in this together. DeLaughter sings about how we’re all from the same tree and if that’s true, it just means that the same sap pumps through all of us and we fall together, at the same time every year, just spread out over a few weeks. It’s music that’s full of light, sung by people who are full of light. It’s uplifting and spirited. It delivers you to the place you need to get to. It’s like the feeling you used to get at the end of an Extreme Makeover Home Edition, when the entire town was there cheering – having spent the week chipping in to help a down on their luck family – and the people shout for the bus to move and then they just crumble with happiness at their new good fortune. It’s what Polyphonic Spree songs are and it’s what these voices and instruments combine to create. It’s as DeLaughter sings, “What would you do if you knew this song was just for you?…/We’re singing a song for ourselves/I know this helps/We’re singing along.

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