Listen to This Is The Kit’s New Track “Coming To Get You Nowhere”

Listen to This Is The Kit’s New Track “Coming To Get You Nowhere”

This Is The Kit have shared the latest glimpse of their forthcoming album Off Off On with new song “Coming To Get You Nowhere.”

The song blends vocals from Kate Stables with jazz instrumentation to create something truly unique. The band layers echoed harmonies in the second half of “Coming To Get You Nowhere,” adding to its experimental feel.

Along with the song, This Is The Kit also released a music video that takes on a non-traditional feel. Instead of portraying the members performing the song, it showcases them in scenes of nature while trying to get back on the road.

“We made the video from footage of our friend’s car getting stuck when they came to visit us during our rehearsal time just before we went into the studio to make Off Off On,” Stables said. “It felt like a car getting stuck and people having to work together and ask for help to get it unstuck was a fitting story to accompany this song, which is itself about getting stuck and the ways we can help or hinder ourselves when it comes to getting out of unhealthy patterns. Making this video has been really nice for me during this time of not being able to get together with the rest of the band. I miss them and the time we spent together making Off Off On so it’s been great to hang out with them in video form. Not as good as the real thing of course but comforting none the less.”

This Is The Kit’s new album arrives on Oct. 23 through Rough Trade Records. Watch the video for “Coming To Get You Nowhere” below.

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