Ticklepenny Corner – Seven Years Bad Luck

Following two albums rooted in homespun charm, Ticklepenny Corner fosters gentle evolution on Seven Years Bad Luck. The familiarity of Noah Riemer’s acoustic guitar and Beth Spransy’s lyrical violin remain in place, and Riemer still sings with the warbly baritone of a young Johnny Cash (check “Highway 83”). With the muted electric guitar and start/stop rhythm of “She Only Wants Her Roses,” the band leaves the confines of the front porch, striking out for new creative territory. Spransy-led numbers like “Swimmin’ Round” garner comparisons to a folksier Over the Rhine. Riemer’s slice-of-life lyrics feature tiny everyday details, like “pull a book from the shelf, there’s no dust to breathe.” Ticklepenny still has a handle on what it does best; Spransy’s melody on the jaunty “No So Long” is so pure and Kate Johnson’s harmony so sweet, that you’ll be trying to sing along with both the first time through.