tUnE-yArDs Call on Pee Wee’s Playhouse for Inspiration for “Water Fountain” Video

tUnE-yArDs just released their incredibly funky and delightful music video for “Water Fountain” off the forthcoming LP Nikki Nack, which is due out on May 6 via 4AD. The video was inspired by the childhood classic Pee-Wee’s Playhouse and features Merrill Garbus and Nate Brenner cooking (badly), playing with monsters, scientists, dressing up as animals and a lot of bright colors.
Director Joel Kefali said this about the video:
When Merrill approached me wanting to make a video with a “Pee-Wee’s Playhouse” vibe I had to say yes. I’d had plenty of ideas for a kid’s show that had been waiting to see the light of day. I didn’t want to make a straight homage piece; there are moments of nostalgia in there but the video is our own modern, manic, collage of a kids show. Like many great kids shows I wanted to cram in as many ideas as possible and sneak in the occasional wink to the art world, contemporary and historic. The musical dynamic of “Water Fountain” lends itself perfectly to the concept and I think this video is best viewed while consuming a big bowl of cereal. Then again, what isn’t?
Watch the video above and see Franklin the Scientists extended experiment.
Franklin the Scientist’s extended experiment on the straw in the potato: