Watch the Video for “Wake Up The Sun” by Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros
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Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros have put out a video for their song “Wake Up The Sun” off their April release, PersonA, and in typical Edward Sharpe fashion, it’s beautiful and weird.
Having previously hired Olivia Wilde to direct the video for “No Love Like Yours,” also taken from PersonA, the band of 10 brought on Noaz Deshe for this project. Deshe is a lesser-known, Berlin-based director, writer and cinematographer who has been building up credentials in the film festival circuit during recent years. The video was shot entirely on location in Moldova, a small country in eastern Europe.
The video depicts a pair of ballroom-dancing children practicing and performing in different venues that hold a distinct eastern-Europe-ness. They are followed by a group of somber older adults, who watch the intricate dance unfazed.
Nowness reports some thoughts from director Deshe on the video:
Outside Chisinau, the capital of Moldova, you find time stands still—communism and religion are still the backdrop of an identity not yet conquered by the east or the west. “It seems like any minute chain stores will spring up, but for now it is undefined by the powers that be. I was struck by the beauty of an identity not yet overtaken by what has become all-too familiar—the song struck that chord with me.
Watch the “Wake Up The Sun” video above.