Conservatives Prove, Once and For All, That Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Fun and Cool
Photo by Win McNamee/Getty
After countless attempts, conservatives have finally owned Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by…
*checks notes*
…releasing a video of her being happy and dancing.
One of the biggest tells in modern politics is how conservatives treat America’s new leftist darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She clearly terrifies them, as she combines a genuine political personality with ruthlessly effective messaging, and it’s basically undisputed at this point that she is the Twitter heavyweight champion. As the saying (kinda) goes, you come at the queen, you best not miss.
CSPAN confirming that both Republicans and Democrats are introducing themselves to AOC with the following two statements: “Please don’t dunk on me on Twitter” and “I’d love to cook with you on Instagram.”
— Waleed Shahid (@_waleedshahid) January 3, 2019
And conservatives are missing. A lot. Whether it’s a swing and a miss over her clothes or demands that she debate a brain pill salesman with a massive Napoleonic complex, the right is constantly trying to “expose” AOC for the supposed unserious Nazi socialist communist that she truly is. Here is the latest attempt* that has gone viral.
*quick note: the account that originally posted this video that was published by Gateway Pundit got ratioed into oblivion while wrongly saying this was filmed while she was in high school, and they deleted their Twitter account and the video with it, so here is the original video from a parody account dedicated to dubbing an array of songs over AOC dancing.
OutKast – Hey Ya!
— AOC Dances To Every Song (@aoc_dances) January 4, 2019
1. That’s not high school. The Boston University shirt and Boston University campus in every single shot are clues as to where this takes place.
2. They’re reenacting a scene from The Breakfast Club.
3. Say she was in high school. She’s 28 now. What the hell does dancing and laughing and being goofy at 18 have anything to do with who you are a decade later? What’s wrong with dancing and laughing and being goofy in high school? What’s wrong with dancing and laughing and being goofy at all?
Stuff like this is a gift to Ocasio-Cortez. It’s free publicity that paints her in a positive light. This is what conservative Brooke Rogers was getting at in her New York Post column about the right’s incessant attacks on AOC:
The attacks invariably redound to her benefit. The dynamic is especially foolish for conservatives trying to win over the young, many of whom see themselves in her: a woman with a few thousand dollars in savings, who graduated with $20,000 in student loan debt. It helps her solidify her preferred image, as a fighter for the “every millennial,” while her opponents end up looking like elitists who sneer at a young Latina from a working-class background.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez couldn’t ask for better enemies. Conservatives constantly make campaign commercials for her and then call them attacks. Here is a sampling of the reaction on Twitter from people who otherwise would not be sympathetic to AOC’s leftist agenda, like longtime liberal (not leftist) political columnist for The Washington Post, Karen Tumulty.
Now she’s totally done for. Newly unearthed video reveals that when @AOC was in college, she was … adorable.
— Karen Tumulty (@ktumulty) January 3, 2019
Or Ross Freaking Douthat, the New York Times op-ed writer who is so conservative, that he openly states that his political views are not from the 20th or 21st centuries.
The Ocasio-Cortez presidency’s inevitability advances.
— Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) January 3, 2019
Or conservative pollster Jeff Blehar, who hosts a podcast at National Review.
You f***ing fools, you’re making her bulletproof in terms of likeability. Hell, I like her more now.
You people are so stupid, so unable to see that your rage and your hatred just bounces back on you.
— Jeff B. (@EsotericCD) January 3, 2019
Or conservative FreeBeacon writer, Alex Griswold, who is lampooning the right-wing idiots who thought that this was a hit piece.
This video is DISQUALIFYING. I have watched it several dozen times now, just DISGUSTED by her conduct.
— Griswold Christmas Vacation (@HashtagGriswold) January 3, 2019
Or self-described neoliberal Bloomberg columnist, Noah Smith.
Imagine being so out of touch with America that you think a video of someone having fun as a teenager would make Americans like that person less.
— Noah Smith (@Noahpinion) January 3, 2019
Or senior fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute, Julian Sanchez.
I want to hire whoever thought this was a good hit to attack me constantly.
— Julian Sanchez (@normative) January 3, 2019
Or Robby Soave, editor of the libertarian-leaning site Reason.
OMG she did a cute dance in high school, BURN THE WITCH
— Robby Soave (@robbysoave) January 3, 2019
Here are a few other good tweets from people more sympathetic to the AOC cause.
cannot wait for my enemies to post a video of me spinning around looking super hot with the shiny hair of youth and act like they just caught me breaking into the Watergate Hotel
— Nicole Cliffe (@Nicole_Cliffe) January 3, 2019
A lot of people will bring this up, but: the Venn diagram of people shaming AOC for her high school dancing video while defending Brett Kavanaugh’s teenage sex crimes has a tellingly large center section
— Natalie Shure (@nataliesurely) January 3, 2019
posts video of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dancing and it’s pretty cool
“ha ha look at this lib nerd dancing she can’t govern seriously”
Trump can’t close an umbrella or spell basic words and last night he probably tried to eat a pencil eraser thinking it was gum
— Chuck Wendig (@ChuckWendig) January 3, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a uniquely skilled communicator and she has already changed American politics as much as any Democratic politician in my lifetime (don’t believe me? How many of you heard of the Green New Deal before she joined Sunrise Movement’s protest outside Pelosi’s office a couple months ago? Now we have two top-tier 2020 presidential contenders backing the radically ambitious policy to combat climate change). It’s already hard enough for conservatives to combat her effective socialist messaging, and releasing videos like this make it even more difficult.
In fact, if I didn’t know anything about U.S. politics, I’d say that folks like Ben Shapiro, this QAnon account, and all the other conservatives who constantly try to dunk on her with her own coolness are actually double agents working on AOC’s behalf. It may sound crazy, but thinking that video is embarrassing for her is even crazier.
Jacob Weindling is a staff writer for Paste politics. Follow him on Twitter at @Jakeweindling.