Listen to the Profanity-Fueled Rant That Ended Anthony Scaramucci’s Career
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty
When Americans read The New Yorker’s insane interview with then-White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, many were amazed by his elaborate profanity. The biggest standout has to be accusations of Steve Bannon’s autofellatio, and Reince Preibus’ schizophrenia. Even still, nobody actually expected Scaramucci to be fired, because nobody thought his pussy-grabbing boss would be all that upset by his communication director’s comments.
Alas, it wasn’t meant to be, as the push-up champion was let go at the behest of Preibus’ replacement—new chief of staff, General John Kelly.
Now—amidst the swirling, perpetual chaos that is Trump’s White House—The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza sat down to talk a little more about the phone conversation that led to Scaramucci’s swift demise. The podcast is only 13 minutes long, but it provides unique and interesting insight into our president’s unhinged administration. Even without the commentary, it’s fascinating to hear Scaramucci’s now-infamous quotes spoken aloud and in context.
Listen to the career-ending audio and The New Yorker discussion right here, and then check out the funniest tweets about Scaramucci’s firing here.