Newest Member of the Trump Administration Rushes to Delete Old Tweets Bashing Trump
Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty
As Sean Spicer slinks off for greener overgrown hedges to hide in, the newest member of Trump’s administration—White House communications director, Anthony Scaramucci—hurriedly took to Twitter to delete old tweets criticizing his new boss The Daily Beast reports.
After the announcement of Scaramucci’s hiring, freelance journalist, Josh Billinson, noticed two old tweets from Scaramucci that weren’t particularly favorable towards Trump. The first was in December 2011 and aimed at Mitt Romney saying: “praise for the Governor’s decision to stay out of the Trump spectacle.” The second was in February 2012 where Scaramucci shared a National Journal article about Trump’s endorsement of Newt Gingrich claiming: “Odd guy. So smart with no judgment.”
Once Billinson retweeted them with the caption: “Anthony Scaramucci, welcome to the spectacle!”, Scaramucci hurriedly deleted the offending tweets. Also, while he was at it, he eliminated a tweet quoting David Cameron, who was criticizing Trump for, “Making a fundamental mistake of trying to blame all of Islam and all Muslims for what is the ideology and the actions of a minority.” Scaramucci tweeted in agreement that, “It is a fight within islam, overwhelming majority see Islam as a religion of peace, want to live in multiracial/ethnic/faith democracies.”
Guess he’ll have to do away with those sorts of insightful nuances into the world. From now on, it’s black and white all day, baby.
Both of Scaramucci first two tweets have been preserved for posterity in the Trump Twitter Archive, which is always worth a visit.