Bernie Sanders, to Larry David: “I’m Getting You a Good Job For Four Years, and You’re Complaining!”

Bernie Sanders, to Larry David: “I’m Getting You a Good Job For Four Years, and You’re Complaining!”

Bernie Sanders and Larry David are both partially bald, thin, bespectacled Jewish men who were born in Brooklyn in the 1940s. They are, in fact, “second or third cousins,” per David. That makes David, a prominent comedian, an obvious choice to play Sanders, a prominent politician, on shows like SNL. The similarity led to a few glorious comedic moments in 2016, the best of which was this Curb Your Enthusiasm/Bernie mash-up called, of course, “Bern Your Enthusiasm”:

I am pleased to report that both men are still kicking it four years later, and just had their first meeting of the 2020 campaign season on the Today Show. Watch:

The job line was perfect, and hopefully a harbinger of much more to come between these two in 2020. David sat down to discuss Bernie, along with the new season of Curb, soon after:

Bernie should choose David as his VP, if for no other reason than it would be hilarious to watch the Curb star debate Mike Pence.

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