Obama Campaign Strategist: “You’d Still Rather Be Bernie Sanders” on Super Tuesday After New Hampshire Win

Obama Campaign Strategist: “You’d Still Rather Be Bernie Sanders” on Super Tuesday After New Hampshire Win

“This victory here is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump,” Bernie Sanders declared following his win in New Hampshire. He edged out South Bend’s Pete Buttigieg by 1.6% with 95% of the votes counted. The fact of the matter is, at this point, Bernie Sanders is undeniably the front-runner. With Elizabeth Warren’s campaign slowing to a halt and Amy Klobuchar, bizarrely, creeping up the ranks, Sanders is emerging as the most consistently supported candidate that we have, raising “not quite a historic amount” of donor money, as David Plouffe, Obama’s political strategist during his 2008 run, told MSNBC Tuesday, “but close to that.”

With Super Tuesday, the biggest primary election day, just around the corner on March 3, Sanders is set as the most likely victor. As Plouffe added, “Now, in the next 18 days, you may say, maybe Mayor Pete is able to do that or Klobuchar, but [Sanders is] the one person you’d say, he’s coming out of Super Tuesday with delegates.” Klobuchar, who had an excellent showing last night, is now tasked with coming up with a national campaign in little over two weeks to stand a chance during Super Tuesday.

Funny enough, our most “electable” candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, doesn’t seem to worry Plouffe. “Maybe he’ll surprise us and he’ll drop out tonight,” Plouffe said. I wish I was that optimistic. Sadly, for him, even if he [wins South Carolina] … he has had the most trouble raising money online. So, his operation in the Super Tuesday states is probably going to be the weakest of all.”

Hopefully, coming out of this, moderate Democrats will drop the “electability” argument, a tactic on their part to try to form “unity” in the left and force progressives’ hands to vote for a more centrist candidate. The truth is, as of now, Sanders is our most electable candidate, and he is our most progressive on top of that.

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