Exclusive: Bernie Sanders Campaign Launches New Podcast, “Hear the Bern”

Exclusive: Bernie Sanders Campaign Launches New Podcast, “Hear the Bern”

The Bernie Sanders campaign is set to launch a new podcast Monday night called “Hear the Bern.” Co-hosted by National Press Secretary Briahna Joy Gray, it will feature a variety of campaign staffers, volunteers, and other campaign figures, as well as regular appearances from Sanders himself. You can now listen to the first episode here.


Here’s the description of “Hear the Bern,” straight from the Sanders campaign:

Hear the Bern is the latest in a long string of direct-to-voter media outreach efforts from Sen. Bernie Sanders I-Vt. Most recently, in 2017, Sanders hosted a live streaming interview program called The Bernie Sanders Show, which was also released in podcast form. It featured the senator interviewing guests ranging from Bill Nye to Elizabeth Warren to Rev. William Barber.

By contrast, Hear the Bern is co-hosted by National Press Secretary Briahna Joy Gray, and will feature voices from the campaign headquarters, as well as surrogates, activists, and volunteers who can give listeners a sense of how campaigns work behind the scenes. Interviews with Senator Sanders and dispatches from the campaign trail will be a recurring feature of the podcast, but it will also engage directly with the themes and questions animating the progressive movement.

Back in 1984, Sanders announced his first mayoral re-election campaign with an announcement in a small, newspaper he printed himself. He subsequently launched a Sunday radio show called “The Mayor Speaks,” and a cable access show called “Bernie Sanders Speaks With The Community.” After joining congress, he produced another program with longtime aide and 2016 presidential campaign manager Jeff Weaver — “Eye on Vermont” — which he recorded in D.C. and sent back to his constituents in Vermont.

Sanders is hoping that this podcast, which will also be filmed and made available on YouTube, will have an appeal that reaches far beyond supporters, pundits or wonks to everyday Americans seeking an insight into the workings of the campaign and who are interested in getting involved in the work of improving their communities.

The podcast will premier Monday, April 8th, and will be available on Apple Podcasts, Google Music, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Listen to the podcast here.

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