Mitch McConnell Says What All but the Dumbest People Already Know: Mexico Ain’t Paying For the Wall

Mitch McConnell Says What All but the Dumbest People Already Know: Mexico Ain’t Paying For the Wall

This is a pretty minor and obvious story, except for the fact that it represents the latest act of minor dissent on the part of Republicans toward Donald Trump. You may remember that on the campaign trail, Trump brought up a so-called “border wall” a time or two. (If you don’t remember this, can we please switch brains?) As part of his speech, he would often make the claim that not only would this wall be built, but that Mexico would foot the bill. Some people in the crowds, by which I mean idiots, ate this up. Others, by which I mean anyone with an iota of intelligence, knew this was a bizarre and preposterous claim. Nevertheless, the news media was forced by whatever dumb rules govern the news media to take him at his word and actually ask questions as though it were more than buffoonish bluster, and even former Mexican president Vicente Fox weighed in:

Of course, Republicans mostly stayed silent, and it really didn’t seem to matter even if they did say, “hey, this idea is bad.” The people want what the people want. Which brings us to today—Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, when asked by Politico whether Mexico would pay for the estimated $14 billion project, said this:

Uh, no.

It’s hard to know his exact tone, since there’s no audio, but it stands to reason that what he was really saying is, “no, that’s not happening, obviously, because it’s a stupid idea that nobody in their right minds would take seriously.” But, of course, that is just one man’s interpretation.

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