Watch the Moment of the Hearing: Ford Says She is “100%” Certain About Kavanaugh

Watch the Moment of the Hearing: Ford Says She is “100%” Certain About Kavanaugh

After a powerful opening statement, Christine Blasey Ford took questions from Democratic senators and a hired prosecutor asking questions on behalf of the Republicans. When Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill) had his five minutes, he addressed two separate attempts to sow doubt by alleging that Ford’s assault might have been committed by someone else—to reduce it to a case of mistaken identity.

Durbin asked her plainly: With what degree of certainty do you believe Brett Kavanaugh assaulted you?

Watch her response:

That’s decisive, and it will likely be the clip that is replayed over and over in news recaps of the hearing. At the very least, it cuts off the Republican tactic of acknowledging the assault while insisting that it was her memory that might acquit Kavanaugh. With this declaration, it draws a clear line—in order to disprove her, Republicans will have to call her a liar.

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