Infamous Colorado Pastor Targets Girl Scouts, Saying LGBTQ-Positive Scout Leaders Should Be Executed
Photo via Getty Images, John MooreKevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth, Colorado known for accusing Frozen and the Harry Potter books of pushing a gay, liberal agenda, is now going after Girl Scouts of America.
During the latest installment of his weekly radio show Generations with Kevin Swanson, Swanson accused the iconic leadership development organization of encouraging “lesbianism, abortion and contraception for 14-year-old girls.”
The pastor then went on to say that people shouldn’t “train their girls to be feminists.” The worst of his comments, however, came when Swanson implied the organization’s leaders should be put to death. Specifically, that scout leaders should be killed by way of “a millstone” hanged around their necks, and then drowned in the sea.
He also supported evangelist Franklin Graham for his refusal to buy Girl Scout Cookies because of the organization’s “support of transgender rights and homosexuality.”
Swanson’s comments are largely in response to the Girl Scouts decision last year to openly refuse a major donation that stipulated none of the funds could go toward transgender girls. The organization’s refusal to comply and thus accept the monetary gift has since made it a target for anti-gay groups.
This is also not the first time the Colorado religious leader has made outrageous and off the cuff remarks about the LGBTQ community and its allies.
Last November, Swanson served as the chief organizer for the National Religious Liberites Conference, where he delivered that infamous rant against Harry Potter for J.K. Rowling’s comment that Hogwarts’ headmaster Dumbledore was a gay man. The conference was attended by current Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, who clearly runs in some really great circles.