Dinesh D’Souza Promotes Book Linking Democrats with Nazis in White House, Exposes White House Plans

Dinesh D’Souza Promotes Book Linking Democrats with Nazis in White House, Exposes White House Plans

Author, filmmaker, and “political” “analyst” Dinesh D’Souza should know there’s no such thing as a deleted tweet on the Internet. Nevertheless, he recently tweeted and deleted these photos of him showing off his new book in Steve Bannon’s White House office:

So, this is really a two-fer news story.

1. D’Souza’s book is called The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left, and it’s ironic that he’s showcasing it with Bannon and Sebastian Gorka, two very right-wing men who have been accused of holding and fomenting white nationalist beliefs. Gorka himself has ties to a far-right Hungarian group that has a place on the state department’s watch list, and is at least connected to Nazi movements, if it’s not a Nazi movement itself. So it’s pretty rich for them to be smiling and showing off a book about how leftists are actually the fascists.

2. In the background of these photos, you can see Bannon’s whiteboard, which seems to have plans for future executive orders written all over it. Business Insider has done the hard work of investigating what it actually says, and here are their conclusions:

The top of the board reads “Withdraw from TPP” with a checkmark. The TPP refers to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal Trump railed against during the 2016 campaign. “Canadian Lumber Tariff” is also checked off. Trump announced the US would impose tariffs on lumber imports from Canada in April.

“Taxes” is circled in red, with three exclamation points. The Trump Administration has indicated that it wants to move to tax reform following the defeat of the Republican’s health care replacement bill in Congress.

“Offshoring,” “illegal immigration,” “crime,” and “welfare,” are also listed as top priorities on the whiteboard.

Well, at least we’ve got something to look forward to!

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