Donald Trump’s 2020 Budget Proposal Is a Nightmare for Most Americans
Photo by Win McNamee/Getty
On Monday (March 11), the Trump administration shared its third budget proposal, which would build up defense spending and the border wall, while slashing the social safety net currently in place, Vox reports. Thankfully, this piece of trash plucked from the deepest hell fires has no chance of passing considering that the House is run by Democrats and Republican Senators are facing tough elections in the coming years. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I—Vt.) has already condemned the proposal as “breathtaking in its degree of cruelty,” as per Vox, and Sen. Kamala Harris (D—Calif.) cited it as “yet another piece of evidence for why we need a new president.”
All the same, the budget gives us a glimpse of what our president and his cronies would like to see come of our country. It provides insight that is unsurprising, yet is a necessary reminder of why we must oust this self-important ghoul.
If the $4.7 trillion budget proposal were enacted, $845 billion would be cut from Medicare over the next decade (which, by the way, he previously promised not to do), along with $1.5 trillion cuts to Medicaid. While $1.2 trillion for a “Market Based Health Care Grant” is included in the budget, it is not clarified if this is part of Medicaid and the grant would give states a flat amount of funding, rather than distributing due to need.
And that’s just the beginning of the cuts to our social programs. Trump would also rescind his promise to leave Social Security untouched, cutting $25 billion over the next ten years, which would also affect disability insurance. Food stamps would also be seriously impacted, with $220 billion cut from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) over the coming decade. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, a cash assistance program for the deeply impoverished, would experience a $21 billion cut. The student loan program would be slashed by $207 billion and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program would be no more.
Across the board, non-defense programs would all see a 9 percent cut including, as listed by Vox: “Section 8 housing vouchers, public housing programs, Head Start, the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) nutrition program, and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.”
A senior administration official boasted to reporters, “This budget will have more reductions in spending than any president in history has ever proposed.” The official mentioned concerns about the national debt, even though the administration’s sizable tax cuts for corporations have played a large part in the deficit ballooning during Trump’s tenure.
Meanwhile, the budget allocates $750 billion to defense spending, a five percent ($34 billion) increase from 2019’s budget. Trump’s pet project, the border wall, would receive $8.6 billion under this third budget proposal.
While this budget may not pass, consider this a warning from the parasite to us, the host: if we don’t keep Trump and Republicans like him out of office, then the rich use everything at their disposal to feed off of struggling Americans.