In an Effort to End the Nixon Comparisons Once and For All, Trump Holds Photo Op With…Henry Kissinger

In an Effort to End the Nixon Comparisons Once and For All, Trump Holds Photo Op With…Henry Kissinger

When Donald Trump canned James Comey yesterday, it invited obvious comparisons to Richard Nixon, who fired special prosecutor Archibald Cox in the infamous 1972 “Saturday Night Massacre.” Getting rid of the dude who’s investigating you is a classic Nixon move, and it’s no wonder that hundreds (thousands?) of Trump’s opponents and purported allies, including many in Congress, made the immediate connection.

So what you do when you want to stop that narrative in its tracks, and make people forget that you’re looking like a modern tricky Dick?

Obviously, you invite Nixon lackey and chief war criminal Henry Kissinger to the White House. You know, for some glad-handing and a few photo ops!

Kissinger, who is now 93 years old, who served as both Secretary of State and National Security Advisor in the Nixon years, and essentially authored the interventionist U.S. foreign policy that included support for various dictators in Latin America and the Middle East, along with the entanglements in Indochina, is the most notorious of Nixon’s former allies, and one of the last living connections to our most disgraced president.

Why Trump chose to sit down with him on today of all days is beyond us, nor can we explain why his other big meeting was with Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov. Perhaps, like Nixon himself, he lacks a certain sense of the moment.

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