Trump Berated Jeff Sessions Until He Tried to Resign After Robert Mueller’s Appointment
Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty
Details of a meeting in the Oval Office in May are just now being published, and they reveal signs of serious tension between President Donald Trump and his own administration.
In May, after Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions recused himself from the Justice Department’s investigation of Russian ties to the Trump administration, Trump called him to the Oval Office. Sessions’ spot on the investigation had just been filled by Robert S. Mueller III, a man significantly less sympathetic to Trump.
The NYT reports that Trump then proceeded to insult Sessions for the length of the meeting, saying it was a mistake to bring him onto the team in the first place and reproaching him for his “disloyalty.” And if you ever had any doubt that Sessions was a certified wimp, here’s a quote from the article:
“Ashen and emotional, Mr. Sessions told the president he would quit and sent a resignation letter to the White House, according to four people who were told details of the meeting. Mr. Sessions would later tell associates that the demeaning way the president addressed him was the most humiliating experience in decades of public life.”
The twist is that Sessions’ resignation letter was then rejected by Trump, as members of Trump’s administration didn’t want to remove yet another member of the cabinet. This isn’t to say that Trump didn’t want to remove Sessions—he actually tried to do it again, and was again dissuaded by his advisors.
It’s a shame they dissuaded him, because not only is Sessions a garbage human, he’s also a liar. The man isn’t fit to serve in government in any capacity, so here’s hoping Trump roasts him again and makes him cry so much he finally just runs away.