Megyn Kelly Talks Donald Trump, Next Fox News Debate on Fallon

“I can’t go on Twitter anymore,” Megyn Kelly told Jimmy Fallon, explaining one aspect of the fallout from her public feud with Donald Trump. The tiff began in the first Fox News Republican debate, when Kelly confronted Trump with a question about his history of derogatory comments toward women. After the debate, Trump attacked her on Twitter—leading to predictable amounts of pile-on harassment from his rabid followers—and then he made an odd reference to her period (yup!) in a CNN interview. When Fox News’ latest debate came around, Trump refused to participate, and went on to lose in Iowa.
“He said it was about me, and then he said it was about a statement my boss put out, and then he said it was about, like, a gum wrapper on the floor,” Kelly told Fallon. “There were a lot of reasons that he gave, so I don’t know exactly why he didn’t show up.”
Still, she thinks he’ll be on scene for the cable news outlet’s next debate, on Mar. 3. Watch the video above as Kelly explains her “surreal” six months, and also for Fallon’s spot-on Trump impression.