New Poll: 54% of Independents Will “Definitely Not” Vote For Trump in 2020

New Poll: 54% of Independents Will “Definitely Not” Vote For Trump in 2020

There’s a lot to digest from the latest Quinnipiac poll looking at the state of the Democratic primary and the state of the entire country. Among other things, Joe Biden is still squarely in the lead with 35% of the vote and a massive 92-10 favorability rating among Democrats, which lends credence to the idea, previously espoused by me, that he his lead might be insurmountable. Then there’s Bernie Sanders, in second place, whose favorables among non-white voters is 79-10, but only 66-28 among white voters, once dispelling a treasured myth of the anti-Bernie crowd. Elizabeth Warren has gained slightly (though men dislike her by a 30-47 margin), Pete Buttigieg’s bubble seems to have burst, and even Democrats don’t like Bill de Blasio.

But perhaps the most eye-opening finding relates to the upcoming national election. Among independent voters, fully 54 percent say that will “definitely not vote for Trump.” He gets negative marks on foreign policy, trade, and specifically on China and Iran. There’s also this:

Voters say 48 – 40 percent the president’s trade policies are bad for the U.S. economy, and say 44 – 36 percent that these policies are bad for their personal financial situation.

That’s not great! As Quinnipiac’s Tim Malloy put it, “for the moment, the disparity leaves the president on shaky re-election ground.”

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