Trump Reportedly Believes Russia Was Behind Election Hacks, Won’t Do Anything About it Except Criticize Obama

Trump Reportedly Believes Russia Was Behind Election Hacks, Won’t Do Anything About it Except Criticize Obama

According to Time’s White House Correspondent Zeke Miller, Trump has now decided Russia was behind the 2016 hacks. Trump will apparently take his newfound conclusion … and do exactly nothing with it.

Actually, that’s not fair to the president. He isn’t doing nothing, exactly. To be fair, he’s using that revelation to criticize the hell out of Barack Obama. Obviously, we’ve been focusing on the wrong stuff here.

What “T” is apparently failing to realize—despite his incessant handing out of the 2016 electoral college map—is that Obama is no longer the president. There is literally no point at all in criticizing a past administration if the current administration expects to do the exact same thing. Whether Obama should have acted or not isn’t even the point here. Obama is currently little more than windsurfer in chief, while Trump can actually do something about Russia’s interference. Trump’s comments are basically equivalent to a new homeowner complaining how the previous resident clearly pissed all over the living room carpet, only to unzip and let rip himself. You’re not fixing the problem, Mr. President—you’re just pissing all over the Oval Office.

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