Trump Becomes Fifth President Ever to be Deposed, Manages Feat Before He Even Takes Office
Photos by Drew Angerer/Getty
Ulysses Grant. Gerald Ford. Jimmy Carter. Bill Clinton. Thursday morning, President-elect Donald Trump became the fifth commander-in-chief to join the “illustrious” group of presidents who have had to be deposed, and he pulled it off before even taking office.
And while Grant had to swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth in regard to the Whiskey Ring scandal, Trump’s more-than-two-hour Thursday deposition involved a lawsuit filed against Chef Jose Andres, who backed out of opening a restaurant in Trump’s D.C. hotel after the president-elect made his “Mexican rapists” comments in June of 2015.
That case, along with a tip skimming suit, a membership fees suit and a suit involving a bodyguard assaulting a protestor, has been pending for the better part of a year and shows no signs of ending soon.
According to Politico, “lawyers involved in the suits said in recent days such a resolution is not close,” and damage claims from Trump’s legal team have actually increased over time.
Even if President-elect Trump were to settle, such a settlement could face years of objections and appeals, which is currently the case with the Trump University lawsuit.
And then Trump’s own litigiousness could keep these cases going, as Trump Organization attorney Jill Martin said on Thursday: “I think we always show we’re willing to fight and litigate cases and have been very successful in the past even in taking cases all the way through trial.”