Trump Still Unsure if Russia Meddled in U.S. Election
Photo by Pool/Getty
Uh oh. It looks like Trump might have misplaced one of his intelligence briefings loaded with “killer graphics.” Just a little over a week after Trump conceded that, yeah, Russia probably interfered with the 2016 election the real enemy is still former President Obama and his jet skiing—Trump said during a press conference in Poland today that “nobody really knows for sure” who was involved, per a Politico report. In fact, it could have been several other countries.
When directly asked if Moscow interfered in the election, Trump unleashed a classic Trumpian response: “Well, I think it was Russia and I think it could have been other people and other countries. It could have been [that] a lot of people interfered.” He elaborated that Russia, “Could well have interfered,” but it’s not entirely clear to him. Hell, it could have been Paste Magazine for all Trump knows.
Trump did finally admit that Russia was a “destabilizing” presence in Central and Eastern Europe, and that America was committed to peace for the region. How he would do that, specifically, was never mentioned. Trump will meet with Putin this weekend at the G20 Summit in Germany this weekend. Maybe he’s just waiting until then so he can get orders directly from his handler.