Yemeni Mother Denied the Chance to See Her Dying Two-Year-Old Son Because of Trump’s Travel Ban

Yemeni Mother Denied the Chance to See Her Dying Two-Year-Old Son Because of Trump’s Travel Ban

In the latest example of the very real and very personal brutality wrought by the Trump administration’s policies, a young Yemeni mother has been denied the chance to see her two-year-old son, Abdullah Hassan, before he is taken off life support due to a brain condition that requires the use of a ventilator and continues to get worse. Abdullah’s father, Ali Hassan, is a U.S. citizen who brought the boy to America for treatment, but doctors say he can no longer breathe on his own and doesn’t have much longer to live.

Due to the Trump administration’s travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries, however, the mother, Shaima Swileh, is unable to enter the U.S. The family has applied for a waiver, but received no response, which is why Ali Hassan went to the press. From NBC News:

“I’m here today because my son Abdullah needs his mother,” Hassan told reporters in Sacramento. “My wife’s calling me every day wanting to kiss and hold her son for that one last time.”

“Time’s running out please help us get my family back together again. As you know my wife was denied [entrance] to the United States to see our son,” Hassan said. “So I am here today for your support and help bringing my family together for that one last time.”

The state department has not yet responded to Hassan, or to reporters seeking comment. You can watch the NBC News video report below:

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