The Funniest Donald Trump Eclipse Tweets
Image via Twitter
Donald Trump is our president. An eclipse is happening. LET IT RIDE, INTERNET!
TRUMP SUPPORTERS: you’ve been told that you need special glasses to see the upcoming solar eclipse, but DO NOT FALL FOR THIS LIBERAL LIE
— Born Miserable (@bornmiserable) August 19, 2017
No one should look directly at the eclipse with their bare eyes except for our great leader Trump. He deserves to see it in its full glory.
— ???? (@NasMaraj) August 21, 2017
Under Obama, zero eclipses.
Under Trump, greatest eclipse in a hundred years. Booming eclipse glasses manufacturing sector.
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) August 21, 2017
“Nobody ever thought you could go blind from looking at an #eclipse” – Trump, a few hours from now, fumbling for his cane
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) August 21, 2017
Donald Trump trying to convince himself he can look at the eclipse without glasses on. ????????????????
— Ferrari Forbes (@ferrariforbes) August 21, 2017
Someone please tell Donald Trump that Barack Obama said it’s bad to look directly at a solar eclipse.
— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) August 21, 2017
???? ?? Somebody keep an eye on Trump today – when it goes dark he may think #NorthKorea nuked us. #SolarEclipse#Eclipse
— W Smith ? (@WesSmith123) August 21, 2017
Wait, Trump is gonna address the nation tomorrow on Afghanistan? So, he’s trying to upstage the eclipse? He trying to eclipse the eclipse?
— Cyrus McQueen (@CyrusMMcQueen) August 20, 2017
Expect during eclipse tomorrow for Trump to blame Muslims or Mexicans for stealing the sun
— (((DeanObeidallah))) (@Deanofcomedy) August 20, 2017
Just read that 90% of the darkness from the eclipse will be over states who voted for Trump. Nicely played, solar eclipse, nicely played.
— beth can’t with this (@bourgeoisalien) August 19, 2017
No doubt Trump is angry and jealous about Monday’s solar eclipse, as it will be two minutes when something else gets to blot out the sun.
— Carrie Brownstein (@Carrie_Rachel) August 19, 2017
y’all know trump is gonna freak out during the eclipse and say we gotta sacrifice a virgin to please the sun gods or something
— Desus Nice (@desusnice) August 19, 2017
Honestly if I didn’t know there was an eclipse coming and someone told me Trump blocked out the sun I’d be like yeah sure makes sense
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) August 17, 2017
The eclipse is only here for a few hours so it’ll make a perfect addition to Trump’s staff.
— Keaton Patti (@KeatonPatti) August 21, 2017
the very mean and fake eclipse isn’t passing over any of donald trump‘s us properties. sad!
— Alissa Scheller (@alissascheller) August 21, 2017
What’s the bet Trump will take credit for the eclipse.
“Tremendous eclipse, and you know, Obama had no eclipse. Not many people know that”
— chaz hutton (@chazhutton) August 20, 2017
Will Donald Trump weigh in on the eclipse?
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) August 21, 2017
Has Donald Trump taken credit for the eclipse yet??
— ElElegante101 (@skolanach) August 21, 2017
He looked.
Addendum. Yep, he looked
— byJV (@VinceValence) August 21, 2017