The Five Best Results For Democrats and Progressives From Election Night 2019
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty
We’re officially one year away from the critical 2020 election, and in many respects Tuesday night’s results will be viewed as a bellwether for what might happen next November. If the harbingers are accurate, this was a very good night for Democrats, and an even better one for progressives. Below are the most encouraging results on a night that will increase Trump’s already considerable anxiety as he faces an increasingly hostile electorate.
1. Virginia, Blessed Virginia
Speaking of bellwethers, the wisdom of the punditocracy in 2017 was that the Virginia state elections in 2017 would predict what we’d see from the 2018 midterms, and that turned out to be exactly right. So it was with some trepidation that we awaited last night’s results, because of everything that happened across the country, nothing would give us a clearer look at what to expect in 2020. The results were quite good:
AP confirms both Virginia General Assembly chambers have flipped to Democrats. The party now has a trifecta for the first time since 1993.
— Trip Gabriel (@tripgabriel) November 6, 2019
And along with returning Democratic Socialist Lee Carter to the state House, Virginia voters produced this stunner in a Republican district:
Joshua Cole, a Bernie Sanders endorsed dem socialist candidate in Virginia’s conservative District 28 just won & FLIPPED the seat away from a Republican.
— Michael Sayman (@michaelsayman) November 6, 2019
Even the woman who flipped off Trump’s motorcade won!
Remember the viral photo of the woman on her bicycle who flipped off Trump’s motorcade?
That’s @julibriskman and she just won a Virginia election.
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) November 6, 2019
2. Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin Went Down
Trump campaigned for him, Bernie Sanders campaigned for his opponent, and this is what happened:
I’ve seen enough. Projection: Andy Beshear (D) has defeated Gov. Matt Bevin® in #KYGOV.
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 6, 2019
Meanwhile, these first two results helped dig into the number of states in the U.S. where Republicans have the so-called “trifecta,” i.e. total control over state politics:
Republicans lost the Kentucky trifecta.
Dems gained Virginia’s.
Going into today, Dems ran the governments of 14 states (up from just 8 before the 2018 midterms); the GOP ran 23. Now, there’ll be 15 Dem states & 22 GOP states.
Next up: Can the GOP gain Louisiana in 10 days?
— Taniel (@Taniel) November 6, 2019
And just for good measure, here’s a sick burn:
Matt Bevin has declined to concede, keeping with a long tradition of men who refuse to take no for an answer.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) November 6, 2019
3. Democrats Rocked the Suburbs
This was true in Virginia, in Kentucky, and elsewhere, but the single most prominent result may have come in the wealthy (Republican) suburbs of Philadelphia, where a progressive D.A. who ran on deprivatizing the local jails took down the GOP incumbent:
BREAKING: Jack Stollsteimer will be the new DA of Delaware County, a populous county in the Philadelphia suburbs. Stollsteimer, a Democrat, ousted the incumbent GOP DA.
A core issue that Stollsteimer campaigned on: deprivatizing the county jail.
— The Appeal (@theappeal) November 6, 2019
In that same county, Democrats also took the city council for the first time since before the Civil War. Seriously. All of this looks very poor for Trump’s chances at repeating his Pennsylvania win. Also, since we’re talking about bellwethers and suburbs, this is a terrific result from Missouri:
Special election alert: Democrats have flipped Missouri HD-99, in the St. Louis suburbs, 54-46%. This is an R+11 seat, making for a remarkable 19-point D swing.
— Nathaniel Rakich (@baseballot) November 6, 2019
4. Trump Is Coming Off Desperate
There’s really no way to polish this turd, but our president is doing his damnedest on the Twitter machine, and remarkably, he’s trying to spin Kentucky as a positive:
#ElectionNight Won 5 out of 6 elections in Kentucky, including 5 great candidates that I spoke for and introduced last night. @MattBevin picked up at least 15 points in last days, but perhaps not enough (Fake News will blame Trump!). Winning in Mississippi Governor race!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2019
Hmmm, about that….
We had Bevin up by 1 three weeks ago
— PublicPolicyPolling (@ppppolls) November 6, 2019
5. Ranked Choice Voting Passes in NYC
Apparently New York City has just adopted Ranked Choice Voting, joining Maine in one of the most important experiments in electoral reform imaginable!
— Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) November 6, 2019
Read…me…on why ranked choice voting is so important.
BONUS: The Women of Statesboro, GA
Not the biggest result of the night, sure, but it’s still great to see headlines like this:
The city council in Statesboro never had a woman elected in history until tonight. Three women just won seats — they now make up the majority of the 5-member panel. #gapol
— Greg Bluestein (@bluestein) November 6, 2019
About time, Statesboro!