Fox News Journalists Disown Fox News’ “Absurd” Russia Coverage

Fox News Journalists Disown Fox News’ “Absurd” Russia Coverage

Turns out even contributing Fox News journalists think that their network’s wanton distortion of the truth in service of the Republican Party is a bad thing.

CNN reports that Fox News journalists were shocked and disheartened at the television network’s coverage of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

The journalists, who spoke to CNN anonymously, characterized one segment about the investigation on Outnumbered as “absurd” and deserving of “all the scorn it can get.” The journalists say they are extremely uncomfortable with how the network has essentially become a Trump-backed propaganda campaign. “This kind of coverage does the viewer a huge disservice and further divides the country,” one Fox News personality said. “I want to quit,” said another.

Fox News spent much of its airtime in the wake of the revelations around the Mueller investigation questioning Mueller’s integrity or characterizing his claims as “ridiculous.” Sean Hannity, in particular, was criticized by the anonymous journalists for parroting Donald Trump’s talking points in dismissing Mueller. “It’s an embarrassment,” another Fox News employee told CNN. “Frankly, there are shows on our network that are backing the President at all costs, and it’s that short-term strategy that undermines the good work being done by others.”

Fox News was, of course, an embarrassment long before Trump entered the political picture, but it’s nice to see that his arrival was something of a wake-up call for some of the employees there, we suppose.

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