Watch Fox News’ Double Standard in Covering Trump and Obama
Photo by Kevin Hagen/Getty
Upside: A viral video by NowThis uploaded on Tuesday cut together clips of Fox News talking heads railing against the president, with accusations of cable news obsession, Twitter misuse, pandering to dictators and never being able to admit wrongdoing.
Downside: They were all criticisms aimed at President Obama.
What if Fox News covered Trump the way it covered Obama? It would look like this
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) April 16, 2019
With presidential identifiers removed, the video serves as a perfectly valid critique of President Trump, revealing the obvious hypocrisy in the network’s reporting.
The video features all the stars of the anti-Obama dream team. Appearing prominently: Sean Hannity, who famously violated journalistic ethics last year when he spent weeks defending Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen on air, before it came out that he himself was a client of Cohen’s.
Also in the mix: Glenn Beck, a man who has taken on as many political mindsets as he has personal styling choices, before settling on all-out Islamaphobic conspiracy theorizing and the Colonel Sanders look.
Also appearing, in true #ThrowbackThursday fashion, is Bill O’Reilly, who was ousted in disgrace in 2017 after the New York Times reported that he had spent upwards of $45 million on sexual harassment settlements.
Maybe Fox News isn’t exactly the best outlet for hearing factual news from reliable people after all.