North Carolina Will Use Unconstitutional, Gerrymandered Voting Map for Midterms
Photos by Justin Merriman/Getty
Squeezing out the last tiny bit of corruption in North Carolina, the voting map ruled unconstitutional is all set to be used in midterms, according to CNN. To be clear, federal judges ruled that this map directly favored Republicans over Democrats in elections—but those same judges decided there wasn’t enough time to rectify it before voting.
CNN reports that the judges believe a delayed election will affect turnout and simply confuse voters. What’s actually confusing, though, is how this is still happening. This is the sort of apathy that allows corruption to flourish. There’s no heroic call to change the map as soon as possible, or to delay the vote until the maps are redrawn. All voters get is a dismissive we’ll get to it later.
The answer to voters’ rights being infringed upon is, apparently, “just one more time.” Waiting to act on this problem until after its effects are felt is insulting, and will presumably affect turnout more than if the map was actually changed. Voters who know the election is rigged likely feel defeated before even heading into their precincts. No temporary solution is offered, not even a guarantee that the new map will be non-partisan. Yet, on Nov. 6, North Carolina’s gerrymandered map will be used one last time.