“Sassy Gay Republican” Laughs at Free Healthcare Until Insurance Raises His Rates After Supposed Car Accident

“Sassy Gay Republican” Laughs at Free Healthcare Until Insurance Raises His Rates After Supposed Car Accident

In the most recent example of Republican hypocrisy, Twitter user @sassygayrepub has had quite the last few days.

It started yesterday, when another Twitter user saw that the “Sassy Gay Republican” had started a GoFundMe for his medical bills, and did some digging. What would he find but incredibly dismissive, ignorant tweets about free healthcare:

That’s right folks, after deriding anybody who might believe in single-payer healthcare as silly and impractical, the “Sassy Gay Republican” got to experience his beloved private healthcare in action.

But it doesn’t end there, as another Twitter user (@spookperson) did some digging of their own and claimed that the image used in the GoFundMe campaign is from 2015.

The Twitter account shown there seems to have potentially confirmed that the photo is old:

We cannot confirm that the GoFundMe campaign is genuine or a scam, so we will not be linking to the webpage here. You don’t need to donate to this, although some liberals already have just to prove how wonderful and liberal they are.

gofundme screenshot.png

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