The Best Tweets About Hillary’s New Book
Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty
Excerpts have begun popping up around the Internet of Hillary Clinton’s new book about the 2016 election, What Happened. The most-shared excerpts are the ones that explicitly attack Bernie Sanders for supposedly plagiarizing her policies, attacking her character, and “disrupting the Democratic Party.” The book is shaping up to be a classic entry in the venerated genre of “sore loser blames everyone except themselves.”
But enough about that. You’re not here to learn about Hillary Clinton’s new book, you’re here to read the best jokes about it from Twitter. Off we go:
Hillary is serving shade in her new book and I am HERE for it
— Dr. Indica Sativa (@ByYourLogic) September 4, 2017
It’s insanely super healthy for Hillary to release a book blaming Bernie for losing an election to a piss-stained cardboard cut-out
— Christian McCrea (@christianmccrea) September 5, 2017
HILLARY CLINTON, QUARTERBACK: well we lost the game, but only bc of all of my terrible teammates and coaches. personally I think I was great
— KRANG T. NELSON (@KrangTNelson) September 5, 2017
I’m reading Hillary’s book and it gives me a new appreciation of how hard she fought to win the election:
— Pixelated Boat (@pixelatedboat) September 5, 2017
If Hillary Clinton had a better editor…
— Katie????Halper (@kthalps) September 5, 2017
Lol Hillary’s book is just posting memes from the Pantsuit Winemom’s 4 Clinton Facebook page holy shit my stars what is this life?
— Matt Christman (@cushbomb) September 4, 2017
For the sum of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS i will create an audio version of Hillary’s new book complete w/ me groaning at it & getting fucking mad
— maple cocaine (@historyinflicks) September 5, 2017
A full third of Hillary’s book is quack home remedies for dropsy.
— Matt Christman (@cushbomb) September 5, 2017
imagine being the biggest loser of all time and then writing an entire book about how it was everyone else’s fault
hillary should be exiled
— josh androsky???? (@ShutUpAndrosky) September 5, 2017
Hillary’s just lucky people are reading her book this time. It took America 21 years to read It Takes a Village and realize she had slaves.
— Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) September 5, 2017
Love that hillary thinks people who need healthcare and living wages are equal to spoiled brats asking for a frivolous fucking pony.
— Julie Ann Johnson (@Julie_Johnsoned) September 5, 2017
BERNIE: we should have a $15 minimum wage
HILLARY: how about $12
BERNIE: no, $15
HILLARY: u r exactly like a deranged hitchhiker
— KRANG T. NELSON (@KrangTNelson) September 5, 2017
Whole world: It’s literally Defcon 1
Hillary Clinton: Bernie Bros are bad & please join my crony’s website that sounds like the word vomit
— David Sirota (@davidsirota) September 5, 2017
Hillary: you can’t run Bernie in a general he’s so easy to attack & beat
Also Hill: I lost Bc I was so easy to attack & beat but blame Bern
— Secular Talk (@KyleKulinski) September 5, 2017
Hillary reads Old Person memes all day, Trump watches Fox News. The 2016 presidential campaign was between Your Divorced Grandparents.
— Matt Christman (@cushbomb) September 4, 2017
There are only two people who still really want to talk about 2016: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
— Harry Shearer (@theharryshearer) September 5, 2017
.@HillaryClinton, whose team leaked a photo of @SenSanders in a bathing suit, says Sanders ‘impugned’ her character
— Emma Vigeland (@EmmaVigeland) September 5, 2017
Hillary Clinton, who circulated a photo of Obama in a turban to imply he was Muslim in 2008, thinks Bernie was too mean during the primary
— Karl Barks ???????? (@onlineman420) September 5, 2017
Of course, Hillary put all these jokes to shame. In one memorable section that is actually beyond the realm of parody, she compares Bernie to a character from There’s Something About Mary and then copies a meme she saw on Facebook.
Hillary Clinton will never accept responsibility for losing the 2016 presidential campaign to the most unpopular candidate in living memory.
— Lana Del Raytheon (@LanaDelRaytheon) September 4, 2017