Why It’s Appropriate to Ask Ivanka Trump About Her Father’s Sexual Misconduct Allegations
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty
Ivanka Trump said this week that she believes it’s “inappropriate” for the media to ask her questions about her father’s sexual misconduct allegations.
Ivanka Trump told The Today Show, “I think it’s a pretty inappropriate question to ask a daughter if she believes the accusers of her father when he’s affirmatively stated there’s no truth to it.”
She continued, “I don’t think that’s a question you would ask many other daughters. I believe my father. I know my father. So, I think I have that right as a daughter to believe my father.”
In response to Ivanka’s statement, Jake Tapper and Axl Rose both fired back with viral tweets – Tapper pointing to the fact that she’s spoken about others’ allegations and Rose questioning her qualifications to work in the White House.
Trying to figure out what part of this is inappropriate. She works for the taxpayers, says she focuses on women’s issues, was at the interview because she went to the Olympics to represent the USA, is an adult, and has spoken publicly about accusations against others. https://t.co/7GqrFRe8oH
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 26, 2018
What’s inappropriate is Ivanka Trump being part of the White House Administration.
— Axl Rose (@axlrose) February 26, 2018
It would be one thing for Ivanka to not want to comment on it if she had pledged to be apolitical and if she didn’t have a role in her father’s administration, but at this point, if you’ve taken a position in the White House, everyone should be asked this question, regardless of whether or not you’re kin to the president.
If Ivanka wants to be the one “reasonable” voice in the White House or part of the feminist movement, the opportunity has been there for her on a silver platter all along, but time and time again, we see her defending the actions of her father.
It’s impossible for her to have it both ways. If she says that she believes her father, then that also means she is discrediting each of her father’s accusers, and if she’s discrediting her father’s accusers, even after the infamous Access Hollywood tape where he bragged about grabbing women, then she has already picked which side she is on – and that is the side of her father, the self-admitted harasser.